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Office of the Allied Force Commanders.- Action in the event of Egyptian resistance collapsing during the early phases of operation Musketeer (AFC/11), Sailing programme for trooping aircraft carriers, troopships, MT ships and LST/LCT (AFC/12), Second, third and fourth draft appreciation (AFC/20, AFC/21). Appreciation and outline plan (AFC/22), First draft (AFC/23), sailing programme for allied ships (AFC/24), certain factors affecting the formulation of the winter plan (AFC/25), Main changes to operation Musketeer revise for the winter (AFC/26) , Changes to operation Musketeer revise for the winter (AFC/27), Command and communications exercise (AFC/28). Combined allied operational instruction (AFC/32), critical dates (annex ‘C' to AFC 32).




Septembre – octobre 1956

Dernière modification le 20/11/2020

Format Physique Vincennes