D'Artagnan and the King's Musketeers until 13 January 2024

exhibition poster
The origins of the myth

D'Artagnan and the Musketeers occupy a special place in popular culture. While their status as an international myth owes much to the pen of Alexandre Dumas, the characters were inspired by historical figures whose traces are preserved in the archives.

Service historique de la Défense, avenue de Paris, 94306 Vincennes
Du 14 septembre 2023 au 13 janvier 2024


Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday = 1pm - 5pm

Wednesday = 9am - 5pm

Saturday = 9.30am - 3pm

Sunday = 10 am - 5 pm

Guided tour with an exhibition curator every first Sunday of the month, duration 1h30, subject to availability. Register here: shd-vincennes-valorisation.chef.fct@intradef.gouv.fr

The new exhibition from the Service historique de la Défense is devoted to the history of the real d'Artagnan and the King's Musketeers.
Drawing on the most recent research, it traces the life of Count d'Artagnan, a young cadet from Gascony who became Louis XIV's confidant and was killed in 1673 during the siege of Maastricht, the 350th anniversary of which is being commemorated this year. Using a wealth of iconography and presenting archive documents as well as weapons and uniforms, it puts into context the evolution of the corps of the King's Musketeers and its missions, and finally reveals the genesis of Alexandre Dumas's work.

Faced with previously unpublished exhibits, rediscover the lives of these men whose history is no match for the adventures of their fictional doubles.

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Test your knowledge of D'artagnan and the King's Musketeers by playing this QUIZ: access the QUIZ.

Last modification on 28/09/2023