Consult public records not freely communicable

Archives are communicable subject to the clauses of the following articles L 2311 to L 2313-4 of the code of Defense.
Non freely communicable public records may be the subject of an individual dispensation access request.
In order to consult non freely communicable public records, it is mandatory to have a SHD reader’s number and to have a personal space on the website.
You may then follow the instructions below :
The Heritage Code plans that the archival administration may authorise the consultation of public records before the expiry of the time limits laid down in Article L 213-2 of the Heritage Code.
- For all requests for a dispensation concerning non freely communicable public records, please fill in the form below: once logged in to your account, fill in the request for a dispensation concerning non freely communicable public records’ form.
- All requests are nominative and individual.
- After being informed by the SHD, dispensation requests are sent to the Department of the Armed Forces and the General Secretary of National Defense for decision. After notice from the services, requests concerning identification states as well as services and gendarmerie official records are submitted to the decision of the Director of the SHD.
- The time limit for a response for a consultation by dispensation request cannot exceed 2 months as from the registration of the request (art. L 231-3 of the Heritage Code). The majority of the requests submitted to the SHD are processed within one or two months: it is advised to take hold of this matter in advance and not to show up to the reading room without a response.
- In case of refusal, and in application of the clauses of the law n°2000-321 of the 12th of April 2000 relative to the rights of citizens in their relations with administrations, it is possible to submit for an opinion, within two months, the commission for access to administrative documents (CAAD).
Important : after receiving their approval for consultation by dispensation, it is essential for the readers in question to take an appointment in the reading room in order to plan the communication of the documents.
Last modification on 14/02/2024