Request a duplication

In order to request the duplication of a document, you must beforehand create an account to access your personal space and register as a SHD reader. Before requesting any duplication by photocopy or by digitisation, it is essential to take note of the conditions for reproduction of the various documents and of the price list. (click + to unfold)
Inside the reading rooms, freely communicable documents may be photographed by the readers with their cameras (for more information, please go to the rules of the reading rooms).
For any online requests concerning the duplication of a document, the following actions can be done:
• Paper photocopy, A4 or A3 format
• Digital view (with CD- ROM)
A duplication request must absolutely be attached with the following indications :
• In the case of a career folder, a pension or the one of an accreditation of the services of the Resistance’s request :
• Folder’s rating
• Name and first name of the individual
• In other cases :
• Ratings of the cardboard, the folder, the register or of the piece of work in which the document is stored.
• Precise identification of the document (ex: technical notice of the management of transports in Algeria, June 5th 1961)
• Chosen duplication support: photocopy or digitization (the different resolutions appear on the price order). Note: career folders, a pension or the ones of an accreditation of the services of the Resistance’s request are reproduced only by photocopy (unless there is a duly justified need).
• The use to be made of the reproduced document is desirable :
• Private distribution
• Public distribution for non commercial purposes (ex: blog)
• Public distribution for commercial purposes (ex: publication, exhibition)
Consult the rules of reutilization for the reproduced documents from the SHD’s collections.
- Either by postal mail, to the address of the site which stores the wanted document.
- Either at the site, to the reception desk in the reading room.
- Either by filling in a form available on the SHD’s website.
- Out- of - format documents
- Non freely communicable documents which the duplication was refused.
- Damaged papers
- Documentary sets equipped with a rigid coverage which will not sustain to be flattened nor turned over (registers, books, booklets, thick brochures, etc).
- Parchments
- Sealed papers
- Tracings and coats ( creasable and tearable base)
Only the main papers are reproduced :
- In the case of the officers’ individual folders and accreditation of the services of the Resistance’s request.
- Furthermore, due to a high demand, and in order to satisfy as many users as possible within a reasonable time-frame, each request may not exceed more than 5 folders.
Concerning duplication requests related to other documents :
- It is mandatory to identify with precision the document(s) you wish to duplicate, by indicating their nature and date ( ex: technical notice of the management of transports in Algeria, June 5th 1961)
- Warning : the SHD is not in a position to substitute for users to identify for them the documents in the books, folders or cardboards, which they are storing.
Requests related to an excessive quantity of documents cannot be treated :
- For information only, an entire archive cardboard (ex. : GR 34 N 183, GR 12 P 82, MV TTY 392, AI 1 A 67, GR 1 H 2343, GR 7 U 1441, etc.) represents 1000 to 2000 pages of volume.
The troop control records kept in the sub- series GR 1 YC to GR 48 YC are not duplicated for their state of conservation :
- Please note that the archives preserved in the sub- series GR 1 Yc to GR 17 Yc as well as GR 20 Yc and 21 Yc may be consulted (and photocopied) online on the Memory of men’s website:
The sub- series of archives which may be consulted (and photocopied) on the Memory of men’s website may not be the object of a duplication request :
Due to a high demand of duplication related especially to personal folders (officers, accreditation of the services of the Resistance, etc.), the time limit of treatment may reach 12 weeks.
Digitization (extract of the appendix of the decree of June 28th 2006 published during the JO on the 22nd of August)
Photocopies (extrait des annexes de l’arrêté du 28 juin 2006 publié au JO le 22 août 2006)
Last modification on 02/02/2023