SHD Readers' Prize 2023. From 1 to 30 April

The French Defence Historical Service is launching the third edition of its Readers' Prize!
From 1 to 30 April 2023, vote for one of the ten military history books in competition and try to win a place at the award ceremony.
What is the SHD Readers' Prize?
The SHD Readers' Prize is awarded annually to a French-language military history book published in the year before last. Due to sanitary conditions, the present edition will reward a work published in 2020. One copy of each of the ten works, chosen by the SHD's selection committee, is available for consultation at the various SHD sites. Voting is open to all, regardless of age or place of residence, with one entry per person.
How to vote?
Voting is online, on the SHD website. Printed ballots are also available in all SHD reading rooms (Brest, Caen, Châtellerault, Cherbourg, Lorient, Pau, Rochefort, Toulon and Vincennes).
Participants will be invited to attend the award ceremony and meet the winner, subject to availability and health conditions. The ceremony will take place in October at the Château de Vincennes.
The creation of a personal space in order to vote guarantees the protection of your data. Your space will be deleted if you do not wish to keep it.
The works in competition
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Martin AURELL, Excalibur, Durandal, Joyeuse: the power of the sword. Presses universitaires de France |
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Raphaël BERNARD, Au cœur de Barkhane : face aux terroristes. Editions Jean-Pierre Otelli |
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Jean - Yves DELITTE, Jean - Benoît HERON, A bord des galères, Glénat |
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Alain GAGNIEUX, Il voulait être un héros : la Résistance, l'Indochine et l'infortune. L'Harmattan Una reconstrucción de la vida de Serge basada en los recuerdos del autor, los archivos públicos y la correspondencia familiar. Se alistó en la resistencia en 1940, a los 17 años, y destacó por su valentía. Después se distinguió en Indochina. Finalmente, regresó a la vida civil, donde disfrutó de los honores, pero donde también tuvo que enfrentarse a su lado oscuro. |
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Maria GOUPIL - TRAVERT, Braves combattantes, humbles héroïnes : trajectoires et mémoires des engagés volontaires de la Révolution et de l'Empire. Presses universitaires de Rennes |
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Caroline LE MAO, Fournisseurs de marine : les fournisseurs de la Marine française au temps de la guerre de la Ligue d'Augsbourg : 1688-1697. La Geste |
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Marie-José MASCONI, Et les femmes se sont levées : portraits de résistantes alsaciennes et lorraines. Nuée bleue |
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Geneviève MOULARD, Les femmes de la Royal Navy : leur combat pour la liberté (1917 - 1945). Saint-Nicolas-de-Port (Meurthe-et-Moselle), Les éditions de l'Officine Una historia del trabajo de las mujeres en la Royal Navy durante las dos guerras mundiales. Llamadas las Wrens, ocupaban el lugar de los hombres enviados al mar y realizaban numerosos trabajos de ayuda al frente. Algunas de ellas participaron también en el desembarco de Normandía y otras demostraron más tarde su capacidad para dirigir buques de guerra. |
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Bertrand TILLIER (Dir.), Illustrated postcards in war (1914 - 1918). CNRS Editions Invented during the Belle Epoque, the illustrated postcard was one of the media used by the belligerents of the First World War, in the same way as the periodical, the trench newspaper, the leaflet or the poster. The authors examine the methods of production, consumption and circulation of these objects, as well as their language and the imagination they convey. |
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Stéphane WEISS, Avec les combattants du front de l'Atlantique : poches du Médoc et de Charente- Maritime : 1944-1945. La Geste A study of the living conditions and social environment of French combatants during the Second World War on the Médoc, Royan and La Rochelle fronts. The historian relies on archives, military reports and journalistic reports, as well as on songs or diaries written by the soldiers. |
Last modification on 26/04/2023